Welcome to Reading the Tells
Welcome to Reading the TellsWelcome to Reading the TellsWelcome to Reading the Tells
Have you ever met someone who seems to know what you're thinking before you say it? Someone with that "special something" that makes them seem like they are totally in tune with other people? Perhaps you've marveled at their insight and abilities. Now what if I told you, you could develop this skill, simply by studying non-verbal cues or "tells". Would you be interested in learning this skill?
Jerry has become a recognized expert in reading body language with emphasis on detecting lying and deception. He is a trainer, motivational speaker, and author. He has trained over 34,000 people how to read body language in all 50 states and several foreign countries.
Some of Jerry's clients include:
K-12 Public Education
Higher Education
Law Enforcement
Human Resources
Legal Associations
Women's Shows
Collective Bargaining/Negotiations
Professional Communicators
Parks & Recreation
Image Consultants
Trade Organizations
Workforce Development
Certified Fraud Examiners
Internal Auditors
Administrative Assistants/Executive Secretaries